
Tuesday 14 June 2016

I can't stop dancing!

Image result for Disco ballAfter school on Friday,  my family and I went to my mum's work to help them fundraise money so they could buy new books and new shelves for the pre-schoolers to place their bags in when the are at school. My mum decided that we could have a disco ball. The teachers liked the idea so my mum and I went to the shops to buy decorations. We bought colourful stripes, plastic cups and plates, glow in the dark bracelets, wrapping paper, and some prizes for the guests and children.

We came back to the school and set up a table for the priest, his wife and my dad. I put a white cloth on top of the table and my mum helped me. After that, one of the teachers called Lana wrapped up  3 bottles of wine to be awarded to the best dressed mum, dad and for the person who gets a lot of money during the dancing. She also wrapped up the kids prizes for best in dancing.

In the kitchen, I helped my mum to cook some food for supper. I had to add some herbs onto the chicken and placed the cooked chicken onto  plastic plates. While I was placing chicken onto the plates, my mum had made a delicious potato salad and my mum's friend cooked some noodles. When people arrived, I washed my hands and went up the stairs to the school so that the priest could pray. Then my dad called out the little kids to dance their best, while I passed around lollies to the little kids who were dancing. I saw some very interesting dance moves from two little girls named Ashleigh and her cousin Immy.   

Later on, my dad announced the best dressed mum and best dressed dad. They were called Moe and Daniel. Then, my dad chose Immy for the best dancer because she got the most amount of money.

Lastly we had one last song of the running man challenge. The little kids, brother, sister, friends and I danced so hard that we could not stop dancing.
My favourite part of the night was when I went around to give some lollies to two girls because I liked how they danced to the music and used actions that people do not know.

Learning intention: We are learning to follow the structure of a recount.
Success criteria: I know I can do this when I start with the introduction, followed by the events, and then the conclusion of my family and I going to the disco ball.

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